ESSAYS / STORIES / ARTWORK Observations from Bronson Hill about rural life and happenings in the outdoors.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


After an overnight snow you’re out on the skis early before the freshness of the morning diminishes and before the new powder is disturbed by the afternoon winds. Dawn and the sun rising over an unmarked landscape veiled in snow. A renewal of sorts which is yet deceitful in that you’re led to believe that Mother Earth hasn’t eroded in any way since yesterday. Yourself included. If old man winter has a stratagem, it is founded in subterfuge and realized in his ability to mask old facades and blemishes with fresh applications of powder. The Bearded Ice Man as the Mary Kay cosmetics guy.

The old ski trail is covered yet you’re able to follow it with ease and stay in its track. Heading down hill with little resistance is a good way to start the day. A quiet, weightless acceleration that will lessen your tenuous hold onto terra firma if only momentarily. You’re propelled quickly with little effort from point A to point B as if on adolescent legs. You welcome the illusion but you‘re familiar with the scam and know what lies ahead on the uphill when those adolescent legs are replaced by the ones no longer under warranty. You begin to wish for longer downhill runs and blinding speeds knowing what you do about Einstein’s theories. If you can go fast enough long enough the less you’ll age.

In following old trails you’re susceptible to knowing that the last time you were here you owned more of your corporeal cells. You take a look at your back trail and postulate, There went a younger man. This is an affliction recently acquired but you rationalize with the assumption that some of your contemporaries may also be looking over their shoulders more often than they used to.

You enter the narrow lane through the thickets where the tracks of fox, grouse, deer and other animals crisscross. This is the same route you skied after an autumn snowfall. You had stopped to eat a trail bar and used your kerchief as a napkin. You dropped it there by mistake and found it days later, surrounded by bear tracks, ripped and chewed on, mouthed into an irregular shape frozen solid with the bear’s saliva. The indentation where the bear had laid in the snow was clearly visible. You wonder how soon after sampling the snack’s residue had the bear gone into hibernation and if it had denned-up nearby. It’s a late date in February. In a few weeks, come a warming trend, this bear and others, perhaps with new cubs, will be out looking for more snacks.

Weeks later you skied over the hill onto the old tree farm and followed paths through matured plots of blue spruce and scotch pine. You noticed multiple sets of coyote tracks leading to a small clearing and followed them there. You came upon a rough circle of trodden and compacted snow stained with blood. Centered within its perimeter were the remains of a large whitetail buck partially consumed by the hungry canines. Nearby is where your friend, Ray, the tree grower, had his deer stand. An antlered buck such as this would have caused his heart to skip a beat if he were on the lookout. It may have supplied him with a cache of food and another rack to hang above his reading chair. You ski farther on and stop below the tree stand, half fallen now and overgrown with brush. On any other day, while he was still alive, you would have skied all the way to the bottom of this hill to Ray’s and his late wife Pat’s house by the creek, put up your skis and knocked on their door. There’d be a fire in the stove, homemade cookies and either tea or a glass of Ray’s homemade wine to fuel-up on before you skied home.

Following old trails you’re aware of hazards including falls, sudden animal encounters or frostbite. Or, if you will, the bite of old memories frozen in time. A danger exists of becoming overcome with nostalgia if your direction leads you past too many sites where the heaviness of history outweighs the lightness of being you’ve set out to assume. With this in mind (although you do allow yourself small pangs of reminiscence) you mainly focus on the trail ahead and on making new tracks, perhaps down through the woods or across the way to the open meadow.

You take a circuitous route that follows the creek gully. Near the creek you examine the impression in the snow where a grouse has landed with its tracks leading into the brush. You’ve seen many such tracks this winter which gives you hope for a healthy population to carry through to spring and new broods. Another time you had startled a red tail hawk with its kill of a grouse and watched it take flight with some remnants in its talons. You collected a few of the remaining feathers of that grouse to add to your fly tying supplies.

Then comes spring, the trout are rising and you’re at the river one morning standing in the current with a hand made fly at the end of the line. You’ve recycled that grouse whose feather will be airborne once again when the fly line is looped behind you and then forward to settle, with a modicum of grace, upon the water. The grouse had enticed the hawk, although involuntarily. In its new job description, part of its remains will eventually entice a trout.

You stand still for a while taking stock of what’s around you. You feel the water flowing past and the subtle throb of its currents; the pulse of the upstream waters rushing to replenish whatever lies downstream. You wonder if a fisherman may be replenished similarly since you feel a revival of sorts whenever you’re here, whatever the significance of time and the river flowing. Moreover, you’re surrounded by the fecundity of springtime in bloom. Renewal is undeniable. You’re invigorated. When you make the cast and the line settles to float upon the water it assumes a serpentine form, and you think of the similarities between the curvaceous lines of fishing and ski tracks carved in the snow. But there are no old trails here, only the course of the river.


  1. You and I share a common faculty, although you do better at expressing it in words. I read your essays, and I don't see just essays. I have been there. I see the specter of age and old friends lost following close behind when you are out looking for something new and fresh. Last night I dreamed of rising trout in a small secluded pool and I did not have my fly rod. I was reminded of a time when I walked in the autumn woods, and a grouse flushed to settle into a perfect graceful glide not twenty yards away, and yet you and I did not have a shotgun but our hands instinctively came up as we did. I read your essays with trepidation because I feel that "heaviness of history," although they are balanced with freshness and beauty.


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  3. Nice comments, Onid. I agree with you on many points. It is always stirring to have these events transcribed into such graceful essays. I love the accompanying photos. There is so much drama in those woods!

  4. Very beautiful Pa! I love the accompanying photos....
