ESSAYS / STORIES / ARTWORK Observations from Bronson Hill about rural life and happenings in the outdoors.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Welcome to the "From Bronson Hill" blog. I'm new to the blogosphere and somewhat of a dinosaur when it comes to this type of web communication, so this is a test to see if I hit the right buttons and turn the proper cranks to download and upload those things necessary to make it all visible and readable. I know I can make this an interesting page for you to visit on a regular basis if I can avoid trying your patience. I may be a bit behind the electronic-age times, but I'm well aware of the demand for quickness and accuracy. (I know all too well, since I'm still on dial-up connection here in the boondocks.)  Okay, let me see if I can download, er, I mean upload an image:

Okay, that worked! It only took the better part of twenty minutes. Anyway, I selected the book cover to "hype" my book of short stories to those of you not familiar with it. Might as well start-off with an ad. You can go to my website for more info along with a couple of reviews from

In the furure I'll post other stories and essays along with a photo or two or a painting I've done; also some short takes on items of interest having to do with my experiences here in the hills. I've recently returned from a fly fishing trip to British Columbia and I'll be posting a story and photos about the days spent fishing the small lakes on or near the Douglas Lake Ranch near Merritt, BC.

I hope to hear from you with comments, good or bad. I'll try to keep glitches to a minimum.


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